I was given the name the “fairy god mother” by my lovely neighbours children. The story begins though when Barry, an aging black lab stayed with me when his family went away for their summer holiday. Of course we all had the best time at my place, Barry, myself and with my Boston Terrier, Duke. That was the year Barry taught Duke to swim and the fun began in the water for us all.
Later when they were having their house renovations done, I took Barry in during the day for about 8 months. This kept him safe from any accidental breakouts. Yes, those times when he might have otherwise roamed down to Hampton Street to check out the offerings and the local bakery and butcher. Many labs are all about food. After the kids brought him over before school for the first day or two, he made his own way across the lawn and scratched at the door to be let in. And so continued a long and loving friendship between us all and consequently the name “fairy god mother”. Of course I have adapted it to FAIRY DOG MOTHER to suit this new adventure